Lorentz Yeung

Worked with Microsoft as Data Analyst / AI Certificate (Harvard University) / MSc in Digital Marketing / GC in Art History / Bachelor in Economics /

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AI Certificate from Harvard University

May 2021

Harvard AI

It was awarded by the HarvardX of Harvard University. Topics covered are: probability theory, Bayesian networks, Markov models, machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing.
The view link below goes to: https://cs50.harvard.edu/certificates/

Ranked 7 in a Kaggle Community Competition

June 2022

Kaggle Competition

My submission of a classification model finally ranked 7th in the competition. I have another late submission scored even higher and is on par with the first runner up .

Built a serverless ML model

July 2022

Logistic Regression & Gradient Boost

A serverless deployment of my machine learning model with PyScript. The model was built on Xgboost, but is finally deployed with Logistic Regression, and Gradient Boost because PyScript doesn't support Xgboost. Please click the button below to test it out. It takes about a few seconds to a minute to load, thanks a lot for the patience.

Automated trade signal generation model with daily web-scraping and sentiment analysis for Algo-trade

November 2021 til now

Automated Algo-trade model with daily web-scraping and sentiment analysis

A complicated Algo-trade project with web scraping, server creation, data fetching, sentiment analysis, model creation, server maintenance and risk management, subscriber external database update, sending out daily trade-signal notification emails, etc. You are welcome to sign up for my automated email notification below. A free internal group sharing. Impact : 30% profit last year.

Generative Stable Diffusion model with modern UI

October 2022

Generative model with text to image function - Iron + Goku

I developed a web app with generative Stable Diffusion model and tkinter. It allows you to type in a prompt into the text box and have an image generated. The avatar above is Goku plus Ironman.

Automated monthly London property price analysis

March 2022 til now

london property price analysis

The reports are for the HongKonger community, and the process is totally automated with Python. Processes included but no limited to are, data cleaning, data manipulation. Impact : The automation vastly reduced the entire analysis time from 24 hours to 30 mins only; that is 98% reduction in time ; 1/3 of Hong Kongers have read it.

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London, United Kingdom

