Lorentz Yeung

Worked with Microsoft as Data Analyst / AI Certificate (Harvard University) / MSc in Digital Marketing / GC in Art History / Bachelor in Economics /

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Commercial Projects

Sales Forecast For a Fast-Moving-Fashion Online Shop

Nov 2023

Sales Forecast For a Fast-Moving-Fashion Online Shop

It was a fast-moving-fashion online shop, and I developed a comprehensive sales forecasting model which will forecast 365 days into the future. It was incorporated with the regions festive events, bank holidays, and marketing strategies, and thus has high predictive power. In the demo is a scattered graph. The scattered dots are the actual, while the blue line is the forecast. The shadow areas are the 5% confidence interval.

Optimising the Storage Strategy for the Fast-Moving-Fashion Online Shop

Dec 2023

storage Strategy for Fast-Moving-Fashion Online Shop

By integrating with the forecasting model, my storage efficiency analysis significantly enhanced the stocking strategy, leading to a substantial reduction in overstocking costs by 94.6%.
In the demo graph, the red line is the suggested storage level according to the model, and the blue line below is the suggested min stocking level. Actionable insights: The PIC is recommended to keep the stock level within the vertical range.

LLM Classification Model

During my tenure in Microsoft

A classification modelling during Microsoft

The model was developed to solve client challenges, notably in managing an extensive collection of over 20,000 keywords. The classifier was designed to organize these keywords effectively, enhancing marketing and sales strategies.
Skills: BERT, Python, Pandas, NLP, data wrangling.

Built Forecasting Models in Microsoft

During my tenure in Microsoft

Built Forecasting Models in Microsoft

Built forecasting models for forecasting the SRPVs, clicks, CPC, etc. I shared the experience in a world renowned data science publication after the projects.

Sales Strategy Optimization for Merck


Sales Strategy Optimization for Merck

The objective was to build a predictive model for the next purchase date of the clients. The model promoted 20% of the sales. Tools :
1] RFM analysis,
2] a K-means clustering model,
3] a classification model to classify the returning purchase date.

In the actionable insights demo, the next purchase date propensity column can be found on the 2nd column of the chart.

Enhanced Data Analysis Through Automation

During my tenure in Microsoft

Sales Strategy Optimization for Merck

I developed a Python-based tool that automates the generation of keyword permutations for product model names. This initiative was born out of the necessity to streamline communication with data engineering teams and seedlist keyword variation creation. The script enabled 50% boost in efficiency.

Skills: Creativity, problem solving (bridging the gap between analytical requirements and technical implementation), Python programming skills.

Enhanced Visualization Building Through Automation

During my tenure in Microsoft


I developed a Python-based tool that automates the data cleaning for visualization used in insights. The automation saved 60% of time needed for the task. Skills: Creativity, problem solving(highly repetitious tasks), Python programming skills.

My insights was quoted in Microsoft's webinar

During my tenure in Microsoft

home & garden webinar

My project of Spring Home and Garden Market Analysis in 2022 was selected and quoted in the company's webinar.

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